Fading Light multi-blog interviews

As part of the build-up to the launch of ‘Fading Light – An Anthology Of The Monstrous‘ on 1st September from Angelic Knight Press, Tim Marquitz (editor) is in the process of conducting a guest-blog tour around various sites, to put together the pieces of a multi-blog interview with the authors of the book.

Here’s the first few links of the tour for now, and I’ll continue to update this post as more become available.

Copious amounts of alcohol, Chuck Norris, crack cocaine and a punch-up between Justin Beiber and a skunk: what more could you possible want?:-


Lincoln Crisler site Part 1

Lincoln Crisler site Part 2

Lincoln Crisler site Part 3

The Nocturnal Library Part 1

The Nocturnal Library Part 2

Bastard Books (with a chance to win e-copies of the anthology!)

Fantasy Book Critic Part 1

Fantasy Book Critic Part 2

Category: Interviews
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