Invitation to Madness

Recently established publishing outfit ‘Forgotten Tomb‘ are a small press with big ambitions, who recently invited me to submit to one of their first forays into the world of anthologies.

My piece, ‘Rank & Defile‘, has now been accepted into their ‘100 Doors To Madness‘ anthology, which aims to celebrate the diversity of the horror genre by providing 100 original scares from 100 different authors in the form of flash/micro fiction.

They’ve had the great idea of keeping the Table of Contents as a live document, so anyone wanting to keep track with whose getting involved can do so over at the FT website link above.

Publication is planned for September 2013, but the anthology may be out earlier if the 100 slots 100doorstomadnessfrontbecome filled before then. The anthology should be available from all the usual online retailers and I’ll put up more details nearer the time. Until then here’s a preview of the cover artwork to whet your appetite.


Category: Acceptances
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