Love Your Craft


Am pleased to announce that my story ‘The West Dulwich Horror‘ will be included in ‘The Alchemy Press Book of Urban Mythic 2‘, due out later this year.

As you’ve probably guessed from the title, this one’s somewhat of a love letter to one of the greats of the genre and I had a huge amount of fun writing it. Hopefully you’ll have just as much fun reading it.

The book is scheduled for launch at this year’s FantasyCon, being held in York in September and all being well, I’ll be attending as well.

In the meantime, for those who can’t wait, here’s the mouth-watering Table of Contents, which can also be found over at The Alchemy Press here:-

  • Sarah Ash – La Vouivre
  • James Brogden – Avatising
  • Carl Barker – The West Dulwich Horror
  • Andrew Coulthard – Paradise Walk
  • K T Davies – For the Memory of Jane
  • Pauline E Dungate – Trapped in the Web
  • Chico Kidd – Blood*uckers
  • Tanith Lee – The Mermaid
  • Christine Morgan – High School Mythical:Asgard
  • Lou Morgan – Death and the Weaver
  • Marion Pitman – The Cupboard of Winds
  • Adrian Tchaikovsky – Where the Brass Band Plays
Category: Acceptances
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