Now Available

The British Fantasy Society’s 40th Anniversary Anthology, ‘Full Fathom Forty‘, is now available to buy and features my story ‘Eater Of Lost Causes‘.

Copies can be purchased from either Amazon or The Book Depository, as well as from the BFS itself. For those interested, I recommend buying directly from the BFS, though I am entirely biased. It’s a bit more expensive but they have better availability and 100% of the money goes to the Society.

The book itself is a mammoth 500 pages and features stories from some of the best authors in the business:-

Graham Masterson, Ramsey Campbell, Mike Barrett, Stephen Gallagher, Nina Allan, Joel Lane, Christopher Fowler, Jasper Kent, Sam Stone, Kim Newman, Conrad Williams, Simon Clark, Suzanne Barbieri, Stephen Laws, John Llewellyn Probert, Murray Ewing, Ian Hunter, Deborah Walker, Jonathan Carroll, Jan Edwards, Martin Owtin, Tina Rath, Robert Shearman, Wilf Kelleher Jones, Cate Gardner, Adrian Chamberlin, Cas Peace, Stan Nicholls, Geoff Nelder, Jim Steel, Matthew Fryer, R B Harkness, Raven Dane, Paul Finch, Mark Lewis, Alison J Littlewood, Steve Lockley, Peter Mark May and Steven Savile.

Full details of links and pricing can be found on the Publications page.

Category: Publications
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