Monstrous Companions

Have just received both the contributors’ list and final artwork for Tim Marquitz’s upcoming ‘Fading Light‘ anthology, due out later this year, and wanted to share.

The book looks set to be massive, containing at least thirty stories from a great collection of authors:-

Adam Millard, Nick Cato, Stephen McQuiggan, Gary W. Olson, Tom Olbert, Mark Pantoja, Malon Edwards, David Dalglish, Jake Elliot, Lee Mather, Gord Rollo, Georgina Kamsika, Dorian Dawes, Timothy Baker, William Meikle, DL Seymour, Wayne Ligon, TSP Sweeney, Stacey Turner, Gene O’Neill, Gef Fox, Edward M. Erdelac, Henry P. Gravelle, Ryan Lawler, Mark Lawrence, CM Saunders, Regan Campbell, Jonathan Pine and Peter Welmerink.


I’ve added the final version of the cover to the Publications Page and will put up further details nearer to the official release date.

Category: Publications
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