Starting the New Year at a canter

After a somewhat sparse publication schedule last year, it appears that 2015 is already shaping up to be a tad busier, with not one but three imminent publications on the horizon:-

First up, my dark fairy tale piece, ‘Who’s Afraid‘, will be appearing in Tacitus Publishing‘s inaugural ‘It’s A Grimm Life‘ anthology, currently due for arrival at the beginning of March.  Previously known primarily for their gaming support products and resources, this is Tacitus’ first foray into the world of anthologies via their Guilds network, so it’s great to be involved with them on this first project.

In addition to this, I’ll also be one of the contributing authors to a fairly high profile UK-based anthology, due out around roughly the same time. Other than the title of the story, I can’t tell you anything much about the project right now as I’m currently sworn to secrecy, but suffice to say, I’m a long-time fan of this series and am hugely excited to have been invited to contribute. I’ll announce more details as soon as I’m able, but for now you’ll just have to wait.

Finally, after the completion of their merger with Ragnarok Publications last year, Angelic Knight Press‘ publishing schedule will be recommencing with a glut of titles, including their long-delayed No Place Like Home anthology, which features my near-future piece ‘Lemming Revolution‘. Although a relatively new outfit, Ragnarok are definitely a small press to watch, and I predict great things from this newly-formed partnership in the months to come. To find out more about both companies, you can head over to Ragnarok’s Imprint page and check out the press announcement in full.

So that’s all the news that’s fit to print for now. 2015 is categorically up and running, so check back for further updates soon and I’ll see you around.

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